Grant Information

The Incredible Teddy Foundation provides financial support for medical fees and travel costs incurred by prolonged hospital stays, and other expenses associated with having a child with CDH that are not covered under health insurance.

The Board of Directors will review and evaluate grant applications 6 times annually, determining which applicants will receive funding.

Grant Eligibility:

  • Grants are available for families with a child with CDH, or for expecting parents who have received a CDH diagnosis.
  • Applicants must live or receive treatment in the US to apply.
  • Applicants may only apply for a grant once per calendar year. 

How to Quality:

  • Fill out the application with contact information for your doctor (primary care physician, obstetrician, or pediatrician).
  • Include receipts for expenses such as transportation costs or temporary housing.  The grant will cover eligible expenses you have already paid for.

Housing Requests at Boston Children’s Hospital:

The Incredible Teddy Foundation provides funds for housing in the Patient-­Family Housing program at Boston Children’s Hospital through Teddy’s Home Away from Home Fund. If requesting funds for housing costs at Boston Children’s Hospital, demonstration of an attempt to access Teddy’s Home Away from Home Fund must accompany this application. To learn more about how to access Teddy’s Home Away from Home Fund, please contact us here.

Apply for a Grant

Eligible applicants must provide the following: 

  • Completed form: Authorization to Release Medical Information (download here) must be completed and submitted with this form.
  • Demonstration of an attempt to access Teddy’s Home Away from Home (if requesting funds for housing at Boston Children’s Hospital)
  • Documented expenses: Receipts related to displacement or hospitalization must be submitted with this form.  

Examples of eligible receipts include, but are not limited to:

    • Transportaion
    • Gas & Tolls
    • Parking fees
    • Insurance co-pays
    • Food
    • Lodging
    • Medical supplies & devices
    • Incidentals

For assistance with the completion of this application, please see the social worker assigned to your case.

    Personal Information

    Patient's Date of Birth or Due Date*

    Parent/Guardian Contact Information

    How would you like to be contacted? Please select all that apply.

    Briefly summarize the patient’s current health status with regard to CDH and any other diagnoses.

    Hospital Information

    Displacement Information

    If you and your family have moved temporarily and are now living at a different address, please fill out this section. If you are still living at your home address, you can skip this section.

    Grant Request

    Describe the item(s) for which the family is seeking funding or reimbursement.

    In what ways will this assist the applicant or his/her immediate family? How is CDH having an impact on the family’s life?

    Have you applied for a grant from the Incredible Teddy Foundation in the past? If so, what is the status of that application?

    Grant amount requested (max $2,000)

    Please attach your Authorization to Release Medical Information and Receipts. Acceptable examples can be found above.
    Imporant: at least one file must be attached in order to submit this application. Failure to include receipts will result in the application being ineligible for grant awards.

    Accepted file formats include pdf, jpeg, jpg, png, gif.*