
Alanna has been through a lot for a 2½-year-old.  She became a Boston Children’s patient at 22 weeks in utero and was born prematurely at 35 weeks with omphalocele, a birth defect of the abdominal wall.

Under the care of Dr. Terry Buchmiller, she underwent surgery at 13 days old and then again at 8 months for CDH.  Alanna is thriving with outpatient support and our family by her side.

I am a Stay-at-Home mom, devoted to keeping Alanna healthy and growing in her home environment, as this is what Dr. Buchmiller stressed would best support her development. 

Our family will continue this arrangement until Alanna is ready for preschool; we sacrifice my potential income to best provide for Alanna and her siblings. 

Alanna’s big brothers are a great support system and as any parent knows, patience at home is finite; they remind us that we are at our best and happiest when we are together.

Thanks Teddy, 

Jeni Vieira